A quantitative test suite for codes used in Astrophysics

Translating Cluster Test

This test had the same set-up as for the static cluster test, except the cluster was given a bulk velocity to translate it around the box once in 1 Gyr. Since there are no external forces acting on the cluster, the end profile of the cluster should be identical to the initial one. This tests the Galilean invariance of the codes. Images below, demonstrating the test, are from Enzo (Zeus) .

Initial conditions

The profile of the cluster was identical to the static cluster test, but with a bulk velocity of 2933.4 km/s so that, in 1 Gyr, it moved around the simulation box once, returning to its original starting position. Boundary conditions had to be periodic for this test.

Code Specifics

This test was particularly time consuming for grid codes. To help this, Enzo dropped its initial grid resolution to 503, but added an additional level of refinement maintaining a minimum cell size of 0.12 kpc. Flash maintained the same resolution as for the static test, with a minimum cell size of 0.18 kpc. The two SPH codes also had the same set-up as for the static case.


Enzo (PPM)
Enzo (Zeus)

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