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Jules Carbotte

University Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy McMaster University

Jules Carbotte

Brief CV

Jules Carbotte obtained his PhD from McGill in 1963 and spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell before coming to McMaster in 1965.In 1974 he became Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and received the Herzberg Medal. In 1975 he received the Steacie Fellowship from the NRC and the Steacie Prize. In 1970 he got the CAP gold metal and in 1981 the metal physics Medal. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the programme on high temperature Superconductivity of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research [CIFAR] and Fellow of the Institute. He was reappointed in 1993 and served as Director till 1998. He remains a member of the Quantum Materials programme of CIFAR. Dr Carbotte holds honoris causa doctorates from Waterloo [1994], Manitoba [1999], Sherbrooke [2000], and McMaster [2010].