Physics 4E03


Nuclear Physics


Winter 2010


Lecturer: Dr. Reza Nejat




Objective: Give the introduction to the field of Nuclear Physics.

                       Study the general properties of nuclei, the characteristics of the nuclear

                       force, the nuclear models, radioactivity and nuclear reactions.               



Required Texts:


“Introductory Nuclear Physics”, 1998, Kenneth S. Krane, John Wiely & Sons.




·        Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,  13:30–14:20  in  BSB/106


Announcements:  Click Here


Assignments and Solution: Click Here


Course Notes & Slides: Click Here


Properties of Nuclear Force: Click Here


Test Dates:

Two 50-minute tests will be held in February and March during the lecture period. Dates and Locations will be announced when known.


·        First Test:

·        Second Test:

·        Final Exam: For date and place check MUSI.

Previous Tests: Test1,  Solution, February 2002

                                     Test2,  Solution, March 2002



Teaching Assistants:


·        Nathan Leigh,  ABB 269D, Ex: 26057,

Office hour:  


Course Outline:


Ø      Basic Nuclear Structure (1, 11)

Ø      Nuclear Properties (3)

Ø      The Force Between Nucleons (4)

Ø      Nuclear Models (5)

Ø      Radioactive Decay (6)

Ø      Alpha Decay (8)

Ø      Beta Decay (9)

Ø      Gamma Decay (10)

Ø      Nuclear reaction (11)

Ø      Nuclear Fission & Fusion (13 & 14)


We will do our best to cover these topics.


Marking Scheme:




Tests (2)






"The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes." 




Marks: Your marks (except the Final exam) are available HERE




Some Nuclear Links:  


 Periodic Table of Elements


Table of Nuclide


Nuclear Information Service (Los Alamos National Lab)  


Lund Nuclear Data:


ABS'c of Nuclear Science - CPEP:  



Basic Nuclear fission:




JAVA Nuclear Power plant simulation:









Reza Nejat,